General Guidelines

- Select a particular concept in any branch of science or Mathematics.
- Collect data and understand clearly the concept you have selected including the technical terms.
- Model/concept should be comprehensive and relevant.
- Design a simple experiment to verify your understanding. Repeat the experiment to collect the data.
- Most importantly, the students have to device a simple demonstration to investigate the concept that they have learnt in their curriculum. They must interpret the concept to show how relevant it is in daily life.
- Display and interpret the experimental data in the form of graphs, tables, models, toys, gadgets, charts and so on.
- A project could be selected by collecting different types of advertisements (from TV) of various products. Thoroughly check the labels of any such advertisements.
- Find out how scientific or unscientific the claim of advertisement is.
- Any observation like behavior of animals, plants, nutritional defects, infections, easy remedies etc could be considered for a project.
- Use of explosives/poisonous chemicals and any other hazardous items is strictly prohibited.
- For each exhibit, a fixed area of space will be given.
- OOD (On Other Duty) facility will be extended to participating teachers and students.
- Local hospitality will be met by Agastya but travel expenses have to be borne by institution.
- Each synopsis has to have separate covering letter from the institution.
- Project cost has to be borne by the candidate/institution.
- An institute can send any number of proposals in each category.